Employment Application

Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital or veteran status, place of national origin and other categories protected by law are not factors in employment, promotion, compensation or working conditions.

Education and Training (include on-the-job training)

School/Location Course of Study # of Years Attended Degree
High School
Community College
Trade School

Military Service

Special Skills

Computer Skill Date (From - To) Level Of Proficiency

Employement History

List all previous employers starting with your present or most recent position (last 10 years)

Previous Company

Previous Company

Previous Company

Previous Company

I am aware that any misrepresentations or falsifications made in connection with my obtaining employment with the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court will be grounds for rejection or dismissal. The facts set forth in my application for employment are true and correct. I understand that, if employed, false statements on my application shall be considered sufficient cause for dismissal. You are hereby authorized to make any investigation of my personal and finanical records through any investigative agencies or bureaus of your choice. My signature below certifies that I have read and understand the terms and conditions outlined in this document. I agree and Submit my Form.