Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court
Driving Directions
Dress Code
ADA Accommodations
Sexual Harassment Policy
2024 Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court Budget
Juvenile Delinquency
Child Support
Child in Need of Care
Other Programs
Child Support Docket
Printable Forms
Child Support Calculator
Court Rules
Harassment Policy-English
Harassment Policy-Spanish
Equal Employment Opportuity
Employment Opportunities
Employment Application
Service Animals Public Policy-English
Service Animals Public Policy-Spanish
Judicial Ability to Comment Statement
Transcript Fees
Juvenile Crime Statistics
External Links
Non-English Support
Request an Interpreter / Solicite un intérprete
Request a Hearing or Continuance / Necesito una audencia con la corte
Language Access Plan
Equal Employment Opportuity
Job Openings
Employment Application
My Info
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Employment Application
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital or veteran status, place of national origin and other categories protected by law are not factors in employment, promotion, compensation or working conditions.
Position you are applying for?
Rate of pay desired
If hired, on what date could you start work?
Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Other Phone:
Do you have the legal right to work in the United States?
Are you at least 18 years of age?
Do you have a valid driver's license?
If yes, State/License #
Have you ever applied to, or worked for Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court?
If yes, When?
Do you have any friends or relatives working for Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court?
If yes, State name and relationship:
How did you hear about us/this opening?
Do you or your spouse have any criminal or civil proceedings pending against you?
If yes, explain:
Have you ever received a traffic citation or been involved in a traffic accident?
If yes, explain:
Have you ever been charged with, plead guilty or been convicted of a misdemeanor?
If yes, explain:
Have you ever pled quilty or no contest to, or been convicted of, a felony?
(Note: Criminal convictions are not an absolute bar to employment. They will only be considered in relation to specific job requirements). If yes, give details, including jurisdiction (state and county) where such conviction occurred
Education and Training (include on-the-job training)
Course of Study
# of Years Attended
High School
Community College
Trade School
Military Service
Enlistment Date:
Serial Number:
Military Discharge Date:
Military Discharge Type:
Special Skills
Do you speak, write or understand any foreign languages?
If Yes, Which Language?
Do you have any experience, training, qualifications or skills which you feel make you especially suited for work at Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court?:
If so, explain in detail below:
Computer Skill
Date (From - To)
Level Of Proficiency
Employement History
List all previous employers starting with your present or most recent position
(last 10 years)
Previous Company
Company Name:
Supervisor Name:
Employment Date From:
Employment Date To:
Company Address:
Company Phone:
Position Duties:
Reason for Leaving:
Previous Company
Company Name:
Supervisor Name:
Employment Date From:
Employment Date To:
Company Address:
Company Phone:
Position Duties:
Reason for Leaving:
Previous Company
Company Name:
Supervisor Name:
Employment Date From:
Employment Date To:
Company Address:
Company Phone:
Position Duties:
Reason for Leaving:
Previous Company
Company Name:
Supervisor Name:
Employment Date From:
Employment Date To:
Company Address:
Company Phone:
Position Duties:
Reason for Leaving:
I am aware that any misrepresentations or falsifications made in connection with my obtaining employment with the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court will be grounds for rejection or dismissal. The facts set forth in my application for employment are true and correct. I understand that, if employed, false statements on my application shall be considered sufficient cause for dismissal. You are hereby authorized to make any investigation of my personal and finanical records through any investigative agencies or bureaus of your choice. My signature below certifies that I have read and understand the terms and conditions outlined in this document.
I agree and Submit my Form.