It is ORDERED that all persons whether lawyers, parties, witness, or spectators, conducting business, participating in or otherwise attending hearings and trials in the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court shall be dressed appropriately so as to maintain the dignity, integrity, decorum, seriousness, and professional atmosphere of the Court and the administration of justice. The determination of appropriate dress shall rest with the Judge presiding over a particular case. Clothing should be consistent with the seriousness and dignity of the judicial process. Clients will be fully attired. Shirttails are to be tucked in and shoes with soles must be worn in the courtroom. Trousers are to be worn at the waistline. Women must wear undergarments. If the case requires the appearance of a school age child, the minor shall appear in school uniform.
- Tight fitting shorts, mini-skirts, and cut-off pants more than 5 inches above the knee.
- Anything that is obviously dirty, torn, ripped, cut, or mutilated.
- Anything containing words, pictures or symbols that are obscene, profane, sexually suggestive or related to drugs or gangs.
- Clothing with emblems that condone illegal or inappropriate activity or displaying alcoholic beverages, nude pictures, or obscenities that may be offensive to others.
- Earrings in nostrils and areas other than the ear that can be seen.
- Halter tops, tank tops, undershirts, muscle shirts worn as outer garments.
- See-through or bare-midriff tops, tops with open backs, bare shoulders, low necklines or spaghetti straps.
- Swim wear, sunglasses, bathing suits, lingerie, pajamas, slippers, or flip-flops.
- Athletic uniforms, hats (with religious exception), helmets, theatrical costumes, face-paint, hair curlers, caps, bandanas, and sweatbands.
- Pants that allow undergarments or bare skin to show, such as low cut hip-huggers and loose fitting pants that expose boxer shorts.
The Court expects and appreciates the full cooperation of the public with the terms of this Order. It is further ordered that all attorneys are to instruct those individuals for whom they are responsible for bringing into court the contents of this Order and that a sign shall be posted stating Appropriate Attire Required.